One Piece Chapter 1114 Manga

One Piece Chapter 1114: “Wings of Icarus”: In this chapter, Vegapunk continues to broadcast his message, shedding light on the mysterious Void Century. However, he admits that his knowledge is limited. He introduces a figure from 900 years ago: Joyboy, a young man from the ancient Kingdom who possessed the extraordinary ability to stretch. Additionally, we encounter the enigmatic Mother Flame, submerged in an underwater tank. Throughout the chapter, people worldwide react to Vegapunk’s revelations. 🌊🔥🌏

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Read One Piece Manga 1114 Page 01

Calling all One Piece fans! Dive headfirst with me into Chapter 1114 The Wings Of Icarus! Read reviews and discussion of One Piece #1114 from Eiichiro Oda, Read manga totally free and fastest! One thing we can 100% predict is Luffy will escape, and they'll be heading to Elbaph from here. #onepiece #ONEPIECE1114

I don't think Luffy will lose, but Luffy only just learnt how to use King's Haki against Kaido, so I think this indicates there's still another level to King's Haki we're yet to see. Whatever reason Luffy's unable to hurt the Gorosei is simply probably due to his Haki is not strong enough. I'd imagine whomever he is fighting in Elbaph will be similar to the Gorosei which will be where he masters King's Haki... I suspect Elbaph.

I don't think Luffy has to defeat a Gorosei here, but maybe he does hurt one significantly enough to escape. Either Luffy will defeat Warcury in order to escape, or the Ancient Robot will divert their attention and result in the SHs escaping.
It would be amazing if the snail transponder sending the message is inside the robot meaning the Gorosei may have to come together to defeat it and allow the SHs to escape.

One thing I bet for sure is Vegapunk will not completely finish his message, there'll be something critically left out. However, end of the day, Robin's the one supposed to read the Void Century details and tell the world.

On a separate note, in my opinion, I don't see how the One Piece is literally not the 9 Poneglyphs found at Laughtale which detail everything about the Void Century.
The 9 Poneglyphs together become One Complete narration of the history that's been lost.

Imu literally says Pirates:
Chasing after Poneglyphs... looking for Treasure.

One Piece is the Void Century, it is almost inevitable in my opinion because everything the WG does for the past 800 years is related to people not learning the history. Furthermore, I believe Robin's mother called the void century humanity's great asset which in my opinion (bias) technically makes it a treasure.

Always knew the world didn't know about the existence of Poneglyph, but surprised I never connected the dot about the world not even knowing there was a history to be learnt because:

    When Robin was given a bounty, they said her bounty was for destroying warships meaning they never told the world she was a demon for reading the Poneglyph or researching the Void Century.

It's also really sinister of the WG to make a rule that's against the law, but not tell the world it's against the law, it's also very smart. Very similar to reality since the law is obvious for the most part, but you still need a lawyer to break it down because it's more complex than just knowing don't hurt anyone, don't kill, don't steal, etc.

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The words vegapunk has been choosing since he started his message is legit making me consider that joyboy was, and is, imu. Look at the dichotomies he keeps stating. Vegapunks confirms he does not know enough of "Him," while giving us information of joyboy, yet declares his sins as reasons he may be killed, while also emphasizing that the entity who may kill him may not be wrong. Watch y'all, cause that twist is going to catch us all real quick real soon. The sea curses the devil fruits because they are unnatural, and imu could be umi, but they are also letting that hat chill in the freezer. Lily was chillin with the twenty and then something happened to make a switch up. Poneglyphs be apologizing in fishman island and the joyboy companions all bringing up 800 year old baggage. Ancient robot woke up 200 years ago trying to go up the red line and we know imu been chillin up there since the war.

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I'm thinking imu isn't necessarily the controller of the gorosei and the yokai theme they have. I'm thinking they had some sort of fall from grace. This is why devil fruits to them are valued differently than world citizens. They allow the azure dragon for to be consumed. They give the slave boa hancock power because to them the fruits are cursed. Imu was once, long ago, the first pirate they called joy boy, and after joyboy fell from grace, the world became wishful for the blessing of nika. The dreams of the world are what enthralled the nightmares of imu. Imagine the ancient kingdom was hidden from the world and other kingdoms didn't know about it, then here comes joyboy who decides to get out, try to relate to wakanda, wonder woman. Then joyboy finds out about the injustices in the world, tries to help makes promises, other kingdoms find out about the ancient kingdom gang up on it because of joyboy.
Imu may have been a member of joyboy s crew and got corrupted because of power. I think there was a giant explosion or something that released into the world and that think messed up with the people like in aqua man they have a flashback that shows what happens to the ancient city of atlantis maybe there is a paradise island called atlantis in one piece. The exposition radiation would mix with most of the people in the ancient time blood and that is why we have weird appearances and the void century was when theses new races try ti find their way in the world. Most of these races will settle quickly like the lunarians in the red line. That is why we hear about some of the referring to why around in ancient times like when they were turned into what they are now they lived in certain places but they were kicked out. What if joy boy set out to help these people settle into the world and make them equal but many people would not have liked it and gave him the name pirate but he would misinterpret it as a good thing well the people who gave him the name interpret it as name to give to someone who is rebellious.