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Vasco Shot

Vasco Shot, monikered "Heavy Drinker", is one of the Ten Titanic Captains of the Blackbeard Pirates, as captain of its Eighth Ship. He was originally one of several legendary criminals given a life sentence on Impel Down's Level 6, before being freed by Blackbeard and joining him.


Vasco Shot is a huge man, three times a normal man's height; of the Blackbeard Pirates' core members, his size is second only to Sanjuan Wolf's. He is stocky, overly top-heavy in build with thick arms, proportionate to his torso, that reach knee level, looking massive compared to his disproportionally shorter, thinner legs.

Vasco has light skin with a red undertone, an extremely wide neck, and on top an unattractive face that is set most apart by his big, bulbous nose: uniform in its thickness, protruding down over his mouth and slightly frontward, with small, nearly unseen nose wings and a strange placement: its bridge starting higher than Vasco's eyes are set. The latter are widely spaced beside his nose, drooping, with purplish-gray irises underlined by black lines (more prominent in the manga) that jut upward from the outer eye corners like lashes, and being topped by what seem to be thin, short brows always drawn downward, touching the nose's upper edge. Otherwise, Vasco is seen with a perpetual, drunken smile, his mouth gaping wide, exposing his big, rounded teeth, with his tongue sticking out, salivating, thickening the apples of his cheeks (marked by blush marks), and forming prominent chin folds. His tall, rounded forehead is furrowed, with a black jester's hat above whose two cones bend over, and are tipped by white pompoms. Behind, his black, waved hair comes out to go down his back, and placed upon the sides of his neck (three on each) are large, golden ring piercings.

True to his moniker, Vasco is always seen chugging on a large, yellowish gourd of liquor strapped on his back by a rope, which has the kanji "sake" (酒?) on its bottom section. Clothes-wise, beside his hat, he has only been seen donning the basic Impel Down prison uniform, comprising a long-sleeved shirt and shorts striped black-and-white, plus white slip-on shoes.


As his epithet suggests, Vasco's general bearing is that of a nonchalant, somewhat dopey drunk; having yet to be seen in a sober state, how strongly inebriation affects his personality is unknown. He does seem to hate the idea of sobering up, as he at one point suggested to his crew that they invade a town somewhere solely because he had run out of booze.

However, Vasco's apparent goofiness seems to bely his viciousness, which is established by the supposed cruelty of his crimes that led to his bygone imprisonment; said to be of outstanding brutality even by the standards of Impel Down's Level 6 prisoners, and as a result of which his very existence had to be erased from history. Upon his crew's arrival at the Summit War of Marineford, Vasco was seen asking for permission to kill everyone present at the scene, suggesting a lust for battle. Vasco Shot has displayed a lecherous nature such as when he tried to dissuade Devon from killing Boa Hancock, suggesting that they could have fun with her if they took her away.

Abilities and Powers

Over the two-year timeskip, Vasco has become one of Blackbeard's "Ten Titanic Captains" who personally guard the Emperor, acquiring great authority in the crew as captain of its eighth ship.

Next to nothing is yet known about what Vasco is capable of in combat. However, he is strong enough to have been contained in Level 6 of Impel Down where only the world's worst, most dangerous criminals are held. Even more, Vasco was among the strongest Level 6 inmates at the time of his confinement, as when Blackbeard recruited him alongside other prisoners, he chose only those who could survive when pitted against all other Level 6 prisoners in a free-for-all battle royale.

Physical Abilities

Vasco is shown to have impressive endurance, displayed when he took a quake shockwave from Whitebeard (albeit launched from afar rather than a direct hit) and thereafter one of the energy shockwaves from Sengoku's Daibutsu Form, and seemingly recovered swiftly each time.


Vasco was seen wielding dual pistols while he participated in the killing of Whitebeard. In the manga only one gun is seen.

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